the pull dog

(Dieser Post ist englisch weil ich ihn ursprünglich für Instagram geschrieben habe. Kommentare gerne auf deutsch oder wenn du was nicht verstehst gerne fragen!)

Sometimes I get soaked up in my device while walking the dog. And sometimes it’s okay. I try to not let it happen too often and unconsciously, though. Else I get driven by my phone all day long not being present.

How do you handle this drive to stay connected and communicate with friends online vs. the need to be present where you are and with whom you are at the moment?
The fear of missing out is strong in me. Plus as a freelancer you got to play the social media game, they said…

I hear of a few people living without smartphones at all. Some keeping a schedule and only logging in once a day. And a good friend said he uninstalled the IG app from his smartphone recently and it works well for him. In a podcast about how to stay focused a professor told that he is pluggin off his router at a certain time every evening…

It’s all about balance I guess. About being aware of the things that drive us. And being aware is about being present. And about being honest to myself…
Do I check my phone because something else feels uncomfortable right now? Do I use it as an escape? Is there a thought or problem that would need my attention right now and am I just seeking an easy way out?

Instead of writing and posting this I should have done some paperwork. I chose the comfortable task instead. Because writing and drawing comes easy for me – plus: Nobody gives me a like or a nice comment for filling out a form…
But here I am – sharing this post. So please leave me a like. And a comment. Or I am screwed.

By the way. Thank you for reading this. Thank you for your attention and time! I will take this seriously. And share something worth your time – everytime I post sth new. whew!

If you have some time left maybe you could leave a comment and tell me how you stay present. Or how you fail. Either way: have a nice day and
…let’s take the power back!

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